LA Group Planners Update Groundbreaking Adirondack Park Regional Assessment (APRA) 2014 Plan
LA Group staff including James Martin, Senior Planner, AICP; Tracey Clothier, Senior Planner, AICP CEP; and Kelly Holzworth, GIS Specialist led a five-year update to the original Adirondack Park Regional Assessment Project (APRAP), also collected and interpreted by the same team of researchers. The assessment reflects changes in prior data sets including land ownership, demography, public school enrollments, and emergency services. Key findings and trends of APRA 2014 reveal fact-based analyses relating to environmental and economic sustainability in the park. Beyond showing that the numbers are changing, the report illustrates how an understanding of the data has improved and identifies emerging trends.
The APRA 2014 is the first update of APRAP released in 2009.