Arlington National Cemetery

- Client
- United States Army Corps of Engineers
- Location
- Arlington, VA
- Service
- Landscape Architecture
- Market
- Cemeteries, Government
Project Overview
The LA Group was honored to lead the design team for the Millennium Site Expansion Master Plan at Arlington National Cemetery. As site designer and landscape architect, The LA Group played an integral role in the design of this $80 million expansion to Arlington National Cemetery. Working with the Arlington National Cemetery staff, the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (Norfolk and Baltimore Districts), the National Capital Planning Commission, the Commission of Fine Arts, the Center for Army Analysis, and the National Park Service, The LA Group developed plans to transform a difficult, steeply sloped and wooded 30-acre parcel into a dignified shrine.
The LA Group also actively participated in a significant Value Engineering effort related to the transformative “Southern Expansion Project”. This project was a collaborative effort between numerous agencies, including the Federal Highway Authority, Arlington County, Virginia Department of Transportation, 9/11 Pentagon Memorial Fund, Air Force District Washington, and others.
Project Highlights
- Balanced function with environmental concerns and cost implications.
- Extended the longevity of Arlington National Cemetery during a time period when first interment casket burial was unavailable.
- Respected the aesthetic integrity of the Cemetery.
- Ensured the design was based on verified data and facts.
- Incorporated sustainable practices.
Planning a national cemetery expansion on lands constrained by steep slopes, streams, and historical trees is extremely challenging considering that burial program elements within national cemeteries have specific guidelines that must be adhered to. Early in the planning process, The LA Group worked with the Team’s environmental experts and project stakeholders to define the constraints, determine the legal and regulatory framework related to those constraints, and identified the best path forward to achieve the project’s goals.