NPS Quality Assurance Review for Landscape Architecture and Accessibility

- Client
- National Park Service
- Location
- Nationwide
- Service
- Landscape Architecture
- Market
- Government
Project Overview
The LA Group supported the Denver Service Center, Technical Branch for Design and Construction, in providing quality assurance review on design submittals from contracted A/E firms nationwide. Scope of work includes reviewing design documents (drawings, specifications, reports, etc.) to determine if the design approach complies with NPS design standards, universal design principals, and International Code Council’s family of codes. The reviews are expected to inform the NPS project manager as to whether the overall design is of a quality that will lead to a biddable and buildable project with minimum RFI’s and modifications. Reviews occur at pre-determined major milestones during design including PD, SD, DD, and CD. Project types include large design and construction projects located at National Park Services sites nationwide. Over 200 QA reviews were completed.
Project Highlights
- Supported Denver Service Center.
- QA Reviews provided for NPS sites nationwide.
- Reviewed plans for compliance with NPS design standards, universal design principles, International Code Council’s family of codes, and the Architectural Barrier Act Accessibility Standards (ABAAS).
- Over 200 QA reviews completed.